IPA North America
IPA Management Consultants

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IPA Business Consulting Services accomplishes real results for our clients.

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Benefits of an IPA Business Analysis

The business analyst will focus on what we call "the business of the business." A comprehensive review of operational and financial performance of up to the last four years will be conducted to identify variances in key areas. In addition, the business analyst benchmarks the company’s performance against others in the industry using 14 key business ratios and other available data as provided by Dun & Bradstreet. This review is an X-ray of the business and much like the review a Wall Street analyst undertakes on publicly-held companies to determine financial strength or weakness.

Minimum Investment

Maximum Benefit

  1. You will receive an objective appraisal of your business operations.
  2. The business analyst will review all areas of your business which have a direct influence on your profit and expense controls, marketing, management, operations and finance.
  3. You will receive an objective view from a seasoned professional. You will benefit from a new pair of eyes scrutinizing your business, trained to recognize problems that impact your profits. You will have a fresh perspective.
  4. The business analyst will offer you direction on how to reduce costs and generate greater revenues, thereby increasing your profitability.
  5. You will gain an understanding of the financial and analytical tools necessary to maintain your competitive edge.
  6. Maximize the return on your investment. The analyst will:
    • identify the problems in your business
    • describe how the problems are impacting your business
    • discuss the cost of these problems to your business
  7. Our analytical work is value priced.
  8. You will receive immediate benefits from the analysis through identification of the problems, the costs of those problems, and the effect of the problems on your daily operations; as well as their resulting long-term impact on your business.
  9. We are available to provide management consulting services after the analysis, if appropriate. The course of action you elect to pursue after you have confronted the problems is entirely your decision.

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